ISBN 9781960803030 | paperback | $17.99 | June 2024
Hannah always finds a way to get what she wants.
Daughter to Chloe Cartwright, an eccentric prize-winning writer more interested in politics than parenthood, and sister to a rugby-star brother, Hannah has never excelled at much besides shoplifting. Discovering a talent for petty crime, she steals what she needs to fit in with her wealthier school friends, while at home, her mother’s sporadic paychecks often mean an empty fridge.
As an adult, Hannah falls, almost by chance, into a successful career as partner to one of South Africa’s leading chefs. But the universe has a dark sense of humor. When her mother’s increasingly erratic behavior forces Hannah home again, she finds herself in a bizarre role reversal, caring for the mother who never had time to care for her. As she searches for ways— both conventional and radical— to ease Chloe’s suffering, past and present blur.
“South African writer Erasmus' haunting North American debut begins and ends with a mother's
death. Erasmus writes with raw urgency... Despite the unfolding tragedy, Erasmus deftly inserts
surprising humor and charm, even channeling novelist and philosopher Iris Murdoch, to create an
empathic journey of death and, also, life.” - Booklist
“A haunting, funny exploration of Alzheimer’s disease. Erasmus always surprises and delights.” – William Saunderson Meyer, Sunday Times (South Africa)
“Harrowing and intensely sad, but Erasmus structures her novel so cleverly and has such a lively, witty style that you never feel bogged down […] This is one of those rare books that will make you laugh and cry. Highly recommended.” – Jane Vorster, YOU Magazine (South Africa)
“Barbara Erasmus has achieved something remarkable here. […] There are passages in this book which will move you to tears but there are also many that will provoke laughter. And Erasmus’s elegant and skilled writing hooks you in from page one – there is a cracking good opening line. The pace is beautifully controlled; there is no wallowing in horrors, though horrors are present.” – Margaret Van Klemperer, The Witness (South Africa)
“Barbara Erasmus writes with acute perception about human behaviour, dissecting the motivations of her characters with a surgeon’s skill. […] [A] consummate story teller.” – Janet Van Eeden, LitNet (South Africa)
“It’s curious how the gravity of serious subjects can best be expressed through humour. Comedy humanises: the light touch gives weight. Erasmus has used it to great effect in this tragic story of a family’s battle to come to terms with early-onset, and ultimately fatal, Alzheimer’s.” – Aly Verbaan, Cape Times (South Africa)
Barbara Erasmus is a writer and journalist living in Cape Town. Having grown up in Zimbabwe, she spent twenty-five nomadic years following her husband’s career, which sparked an award-winning career in travel writing. Barbara has published three novels in South Africa: Kaleidoscope (Penguin, 2004), nominated for the Commonwealth Best First Novel; Even with Insects (Penguin, 2005); and Below Luck Level (Penguin, 2012). Her crime novel, Chameleon, was published in installments on the blog Crime Beat, which she edited for three years. This is her North American debut.